

Media Camera

You have reached our Media page.  Here we have videos and photos to show you what we are all about.


  • On the “Our Videos” sub-menu you’ll find:
  • Announcements – which cover what is going on in the church, who needs prayer, and upcoming special events,
  • Special song presentations – sung by our only Tenille Brock-Fielding, who the pastor says has the best voice he’s ever heard and I’m sure you’ll agree with him,
  • Sermons – from our pastor Bro. Johnathan Taylor


  • On the “Photo Gallery” sub-menu you’ll find:
  • Photos of our church members
  • Photos of our sanctuary
  • Photos of our fellowship hall


We hope you’ll explore these pages and see that we are just normal people who welcome you with open arms to come and join us to worship the Lord.

If you can’t join us, then please watch us on your Smartphone, tablet, or PC.

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